Running a Business

Get google to flood you with new customers: Part 5

October 16, 2024 • 5 min read

Photos and Videos

Photos. These are often an overlooked and underappreciated part of your business; this also goes for videos. These can offer some insights into your business, team or even some fun things your business likes to do. Day to day activities? Logo or advertisements? Employees did some volunteer work? All of these are perfect photo or video opportunities to share on Google.

A first note; You must have verified your business with Google before you can take any further steps. Google offers a verification by Postcard, just to confirm that your address exists. Once that is completed we can dig into photos!

    1. We already know the Google Business Profile, so let’s go there first and click “Photos”
    2. From here we can see some options or suggestions for photos and videos to upload.

How many and which ones you want to fill out will depend on your business. A cafe will want to show off their “Interior” but a Law Firm is unlikely to care about that.

Uploading your logo and a form of “Cover Image” is a great way to really express the branding of your business and can instantly communicate tone and intention. The overview page also has a spot for one video and an interior.

    1. While the interior will vary in relevance based on your business, you should consider a video. Something with decent production value and script writing is less expensive than one might think and can very much increase the legitimacy of your business to others
The team page is perhaps the most important for any client oriented business. If people are going to be seeing your employees frequently or if your employees will be going to people’s homes, it can be a big help to utilize this option.

The other categories all speak for themselves and should be considered heavily. Photos and videos can be transformational for your business when used properly and effectively. 

Need help or have questions? Text your MNGRS coach so they can help you.  Not yet assigned to a personal coach?  Click here to sign up and get instant access to a Google expert who can help you through these steps.


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